Get Up and Get Moving

folks… are you still sitting at your desk 5 days a week 8-9 hours a day (yes some of you eat at your desk) Get up and get moving…. Height adjustable desk is the answer. And as long as we are talking about a NORMAL situation 9/10 times we are only talking about a $400 add to a station or office, can be less if you supply your own top, and can be less if you are ordering a few. That is installed! What more could your employees want??? Honestly, behind a great chair, the height adjustable desk is next in line. So let’s talk about how to get you a desk NOW!

  1. Size- Most desks, returns, etc are between 24-30” d x 42-72” wide! Don’t worry this is perfect for our standard stocked model. And at worst, you might need a 3rd leg, which it is capable of doing.

  2. Do you have any overheads in the way of going up, or pedestals (storage files, etc) attached to the top…. This can be an issue, but easy to solve. If you have overheads going up, can you move them one way or another and/or maybe get a book case or storage unit. And in today’s world, shred them, do you really need 15 binders from 2001? Pedestals, we will just need to make a custom top if they are surface attached. Simple answer really, and not too expensive. This just makes sure that your files are safe and not just open to any one walking by. Now if you are sitting in a wood desk, it might be best to just use your bridge as the moving part of your desk, but that leaves your desk open for meetings and other paper work and functions.

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